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So far Amy Cox has created 104 blog entries.

Former BR-KC Pastor Honored by MBTS

A former Blue River-Kansas City pastor was honored as the 2015/16 Alumnus of the Year for Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. On June 20th, Dr. Jason Allen, president of MBTS, honored Mark Clifton, senior director of church replanting at the North American Mission Board, as this year’s honoree and recipient of the award. Clifton received a Master of Divinity degree from Midwestern in 1985. Before undertaking his role at NAMB, he served [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:12-06:00August 21st, 2016|Church Planting|Comments Off on Former BR-KC Pastor Honored by MBTS

Maywood Baptist Reaches Down and Out

INDEPENDENCE – The congregation of Maywood Baptist Church here understands forgiveness and members have made it the center of their ministry. “Maywood’s leaders chose to relate to our changing community on its own terms,” Bob Spradling, pastor, said. “We asked our community how we could partner with them in what was their own ‘felt’ needs.” New programs were initiated to reach the changing needs. According to Spradling, the residential neighborhoods saw [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:12-06:00August 16th, 2016|Gospel Outreach|Comments Off on Maywood Baptist Reaches Down and Out

Campus Ministry Update

Carson Conover, Blue River/Longview The summer is an ideal time to plan and strategize for a new year of campus ministry. I’ve been spending these past couple months prayerfully planning for the fall semester beginning in the middle of August at MCC Blue River and Longview. Students reach students. So, I’m in the process of solidifying a core team of student ministers who’ll take ownership of ministry and [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:12-06:00August 11th, 2016|College Ministry|Comments Off on Campus Ministry Update

Executive Director’s Report

I am writing to ask you for your assistance and support at a critical time in our young ministry to human trafficking victims. It is estimated by the Renewal Forum, a nonprofit agency which participates in policy, research, and advocacy related to human trafficking, that 1,650 kids in the greater Kansas City area are victimized each year. The Department [...]

By |2016-07-27T11:26:42-05:00August 6th, 2016|Newsletter|Comments Off on Executive Director’s Report

News from the Churches

FBC Blue Springs will host a certified NAMB ESL (English as a Second Language) training on August 11th, 12th and 13th at their Little Blue Parkway campus. The $20 fee covers everything. Class size is limited. Call the church at 816-229-9335 with questions or to reserve your spot before August 5th. Belvidere Heights has VBS material to share with any church that could [...]

By |2016-07-27T11:04:42-05:00August 1st, 2016|News from the Churches|Comments Off on News from the Churches

Church Planter Spotlight

River’s Edge Fellowship is a church plant located in Raytown. Our plant is urban-focused, having the goal of reaching marginalized people in the Kansas City, Missouri metro. We replanted this year after being a campus of Lenexa Baptist for around two years. We are currently located in one of the oldest suburbs of Kansas City with a growing urban identity and minority population. With [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:12-06:00July 29th, 2016|Church Planting|Comments Off on Church Planter Spotlight

Campus Ministry Update: UMKC & Rockhurst

We are pleased to announce the birth of Adeline Nima Hamm. Adeline was born at 4:45am on Thursday, April 28th. She weighed 7lb 2oz and was 18.5 inches long. Labor lasted just over 5 hours (thank you, Jesus). Adeline was so excited to be born that she arrived before the doctor entered the room giving our wonderful nurse, Sarah, her first ever delivery! Thank you to everyone who prayed for a [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:12-06:00July 20th, 2016|College Ministry, Newsletter|Comments Off on Campus Ministry Update: UMKC & Rockhurst

People Teams Reach Out to Youth

  Since January, People Teams has been discipling teens from many nations through weekly small group gatherings with Bible studies led by 8 adult mentors (mostly college students). Some of the gatherings involve basketball or soccer at Milestone gym; others just hanging out. Many of these teens attend a church in their own language, but some have no church. The kids appreciate this opportunity to [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:12-06:00July 15th, 2016|Gospel Outreach, People Teams|Comments Off on People Teams Reach Out to Youth

News from the Churches

FBC Grandview is having Vacation Bible School July 11th—15th from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information or to enroll in VBS, please contact Faith Anne at [email protected] or by phone at 816-763-2200. Full Faith Christian Center in the inner city is looking for a van to transport youth that would like to attend church but have no means of transportation. Most of [...]

By |2016-07-12T11:44:46-05:00July 5th, 2016|News from the Churches|Comments Off on News from the Churches

A Night to Shine with Blue Summit Baptist Church

Smiles galore were abounding on Feb. 12th, 2016 for Blue Summit Baptist Church (BSBC) members as well as a multitude of volunteers and an amazing group of special people. This was the night that BSBC partnered with the Tim Tebow Foundation to host “Night To Shine” a Prom event for those in and around the Kansas City area with special needs. The Tebow Foundation says; “Night [...]

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