
Every Nation, Every Tongue: People Teams Update Spring 2018

The LORD is active among many people groups in Kansas City as He sends out laborers and draws people to Himself from all tribes and tongues. Because of the LORD's leading and investment of BR-KC, MBC, and NAMB, the People Teams ministry has been able to challenge the Greater Church in Kansas City to pray [...]

By |2024-10-18T09:08:14-05:00April 21st, 2018|People Teams|Comments Off on Every Nation, Every Tongue: People Teams Update Spring 2018

Changing Perspectives through the Refugee Simulation Experience

Have you ever tried to form a friendship with a refugee? If so, it was probably hard to find common ground between your American upbringing and their past experiences. The People Teams ministry of BR-KC put on a 4 -hour Refugee Simulation event in November that put sixty participants through a live role play following [...]

By |2024-10-18T09:17:23-05:00December 31st, 2016|People Teams|2 Comments

Refugee Simulation Experience

How are you supposed to feel about that? As a follower of Jesus, what does God want you to do? There are no simple solutions to the brokenness in our world caused by sin, but you know that God’s plan for His people involves more than looking the other way. But the answer is neither: [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:02-06:00September 21st, 2016|Gospel Outreach, People Teams, Upcoming Events|Comments Off on Refugee Simulation Experience

KC Churches Develop Leaders, Reach Out to Refugees in Africa

OAK GROVE – Pastor Randy Messer of First Baptist Church walked into a classroom in the Horn of Africa and heard voices, crying out and pleading to someone, but he saw no one. But as Messer stepped further into the room, he found the source of these cries. A group of young pastors had come [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:13-06:00May 6th, 2016|Gospel Outreach, Horn of Africa, Newsletter|Comments Off on KC Churches Develop Leaders, Reach Out to Refugees in Africa
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