
We are an association of Baptist churches in the Greater Kansas City area who are partnered together to accelerate hope to those in our city, our nation, and our world.

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From the Blog

Are You Prepared for Retirement, Pastor? (Part 2)

By Gregg Boll, Director of Missions In last month’s newsletter, we started the conversation about pastors, or anyone for that matter, preparing for retirement. Since not all pastors plan to retire, we said the article could [...]

VBS Training Events

VBS Trainings are right around the corner! View the flyer for a full list of dates and locations. Contact Christy Nance for more information at 314-795-0676 or [email protected].

Pastor’s Huddles to Begin Again

I heard the comment recently that someone measured the distance Paul traveled by land and sea on his missionary journeys and came up with around 10,000 miles he covered preaching the gospel and starting churches.  But [...]

Are You Prepared for Retirement, Pastor? (Part 1)

Are You Prepared for Retirement, Pastor?  (Part 1) Gregg Boll: Director of Missions If you think this question is none of my business, then skip to the next article.  If you think retirement is an unbiblical [...]

December Director’s Report

Christmas and the New Year are fast approaching. It’s that time of the year which gives us the opportunity to pause, take a deep breath, enjoy family, and watch some ball games. I pray you have [...]

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