Accelerating Hope Together
We are Blue River – Kansas City Baptist Association, a network of over 120 churches in the Greater Kansas City area who are partnering together for the advancement and flourishing of the Kingdom of God.
Our churches are vastly different from one another: they are urban, rural, and suburban. They range from small to mega-size. They’re blue collar to white collar. Some are contemporary, some are traditional, others are blended. We have African American churches, Hispanic congregations, language missions, and churches that worship in Cambodian, Swahili, Tagalog, Russian, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and French Creole. We have churches that target specific segments of the population, from rockers to outdoorsmen to college students.
What do these diverse churches have in common? Well, aside from being Baptist, they are all committed to banding together to accomplish gospel outreach, church resourcing, community transformation, church planting, and equipping of leaders.
Our vision is:
Who We Are
Vision 2020

In 2008, we went through a visioning process that resulted in the identification of five ministry objectives we call “Vision 2020”. The five areas form the acrostic G.R.A.C.E., which reminds us that all we do is through the mercy and grace of Jesus; apart from His blessing, our work is in vain. Those 5 areas are:
The Vision 2020 objectives serve as guideposts for BRKC’s ministry efforts. Everything we do is guided by the objectives, goals, and actions plans outlined in our Vision 2020 Master Ministry Plan.