We are pleased to announce the birth of Adeline Nima Hamm.

Adeline was born at 4:45am on Thursday, April 28th. She weighed 7lb 2oz and was 18.5 inches long.

Labor lasted just over 5 hours (thank you, Jesus). Adeline was so excited to be born that she arrived before the doctor entered the room giving our wonderful nurse, Sarah, her first ever delivery!

Thank you to everyone who prayed for a good pregnancy and labor. God heard your prayers. Ambrielle and Elias love their little sister. Ambrielle wants to hold Adeline whenever she can, and Elias affectionately refers to her as “my baby”. Britney and Adeline are doing well. Our biggest challenge is one that all families of newborns experience… sleep. Fortunately, we have been blessed by family and friends who have lent helping hands with caring for Ambrielle and Elias, doing laundry, and providing meals, so mommy and baby can get more rest during the day.


Now, we welcome your prayers as we adjust to life as a family of 5. Specifically, pray for wisdom for Britney and me to know how to best spend time between family, church, support-raising, and our marketing communications company. Praise God for this precious new life!!! We are tremendously grateful for the letters of encouragement and financial donations to our ministry that many of you send on a regular basis. We wanted to let you know that the address to mail these items has changed to:
BRKC Association
Attn: Impact Ministries
806 W. Main Street
Greenwood, MO 64034

On a related note, summers are a season for me to visit with friends to update them about our ministry and to invite them to join our financial supporters team. If you would be interested in learning more about this, please let me know. I would love to meet up with you!