Partnering to Build the Kingdom

Our existence as an association is built on the idea that

We can accomplish more together than we can apart.

Through our combined resources, ideas, people, and skills, BRKC and its churches have helped support the start of a ministry for sex trafficking, built a library for refugees in Northern Ethiopia, helped equip church planters in Vancouver, discovered the pockets of unreached people in our city, trained up college students to be laborers for the gospel, and so much more.

Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief

BRKC has formed a Disaster Relief team working under the direction of the MBC Disaster Relief. DR assists with disaster response across the country. There are multiple ways you can help minister to those affected. If you would like to get training and serve with our local BR-KC DR Team, please contact Roger Masters at or Gregg Boll at  Learn More

College Ministry

College Ministry

BRKC is partnered with two college ministers in Kansas City who are working with students at Blue River Community College, Longview Community College, Rockhurst University, and the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Together, we’re helping them reach the next generation.

Learn More about Collegiate Impact 

Horn of Africa

Horn of Africa

BRKC has been partnering with a church in Shire, Ethiopia and an NGO, Innovative Humanitarian Solutions, to bring help and hope to Northern Ethiopia since 2011. Together we’re serving local pastors, putting smiles on children’s faces, and equipping Eritrean refugees for the future.

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Over the last couple years BRKC has helped bring REHOPE to life as a home of hope and healing for survivors of sex trafficking. Together, we’re assisting REHOPE staff in freeing survivors and empowering women for a future beyond trafficking.

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People Teams

People Teams

BRKC is passionate about reaching the many pockets of unreached people groups living in our city through our People Teams ministry. Together, we’re equipping church planters for cross-cultural ministry in our own city and taking the gospel to unreached people.

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BRKC is partnered with several church planters in the Vancouver area to support them as they plant congregations in this vibrant and diverse region. Together, we’re serving church planters and their families and providing them training and resources to aid them in their work.

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If your church is plateaued or in decline, you are not alone, and we are here to come alongside you to pursue a process toward a renewed future for your church. Each year, nearly 900 churches close their doors resulting in the end of their Gospel impact in their community and beyond. But churches don’t need to die, they can experience renewal and rebirth.

Contact Gregg Boll to discuss how to begin a revitalization process in your church. Email him at or call our office at 816-623-5360.