People Teams

People Teams2023-09-29T10:01:41-05:00
Speaker in Kansas City

Reaching the Unreached

People Teams is a BRKC ministry that focuses on empowering ordinary Christians to plant churches among unreached people groups in Kansas City.

Did You Know…

  • 100+ languages are spoken in the Kansas City metro area?
  • More than 20,000 Muslims live in the metro area?
  • Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and other religious groups are growing in number throughout Kansas City?
  • More than 1.5 million lost people live in the Kansas City metro area?
Want to learn more or host a seminar at your church? Email Andrew at [email protected].

News & Updates

The Nations in Kansas City: Somali Bantus

This article originally appeared in the October Missions & Ministry newsletter. A few generations ago, Africans from Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, and other Sub-Saharan nations migrated to Somalia and were called “Bantu,” named after their language. [...]

By |September 29th, 2015|Categories: Newsletter, People Teams|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Nations in Kansas City: Somali Bantus
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