KANSAS CITY – Pathway freelancer Britney Lyn Hamm captures hope through trauma in a novel inspired by her work with a Missouri Baptist ministry to victims of human trafficking.
“It’s a story of God’s redemption and freedom and not for the faint of heart,” said Hamm, author of the Christian romance/suspense novel Finding Freedom. “It deals with raw human experiences like depression, human trafficking, and other real life trauma. I wrote about them not to glorify them or make light of them, but to raise awareness. My hope is that this book points to the truth that the grace and power of Jesus reaches into the darkest of places.”
Britney Lyn Hamm
Finding Freedom, which was released in January on Amazon and is the first book in her “The Prodigal” series, is a story of a woman running from her past to seek a fresh start and new identity in coastal Maine.
Hamm, who likes to think of her stories as vessels of life-transforming truth, is also a co-laborer alongside her husband Travis Hamm, executive director of Collegiate Impact, a Kansas City campus mission connected with the Missouri Baptist Convention’s (MBC) MBCollegiate team. Hamm, her husband, and her four children are also serving at The Church in Waldo, an MBC church plant in Kansas City.
“In ministry it has been a joy and an honor to spend time discipling young women to find the freedom in walking in Jesus every day,” Hamm said. “I have an undergrad degree in psychology and a background in marriage and relationships as an unofficial counselor. I’ve heard stories of women’s unhealthy and abusive relationships, past traumas, pains and heartaches, and I have seen God at work when they receive hope into their lives.”
Hamm has also served in various ways at Restoration House of Greater Kansas City, a ministry that brings hope to survivors of human trafficking and was established in 2015 in partnership with the Blue River-Kansas City Baptist Association.
“People don’t realize how prevalent it is, but it’s staring right at them around the corner of their favorite city hang-out,” she said. “By weaving these very real issues into this book, my hope is that it would have the potential to raise awareness.”
While writing Finding Freedom, Hamm also ardently prayed for both the novel’s message to find its audience and for the people that will one day read this story God put on her heart.
“I pray that anyone who reads would see a clear gospel message and walk in that message, knowing fully the freedom it illuminates in their lives,” Hamm said. “I’m praying for those who have experienced some of those hurts and traumas, and that as they read about the main characters they will see the truth that the gospel brings hope and healing. And for those who haven’t experienced serious trauma and pain, I pray that they will receive compassion eyes to see everyone without condemnation, but with love, hope and freedom.”
To order a copy or digital download of Finding Freedom visit https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Freedom-Prodigal-Book-1-ebook/dp/B083JKPFT3.