River’s Edge Fellowship is a church plant located in Raytown. Our plant is urban-focused, having the goal of reaching marginalized people in the Kansas City, Missouri metro. We replanted this year after being a campus of Lenexa Baptist for around two years.
We are currently located in one of the oldest suburbs of Kansas City with a growing urban identity and minority population. With that, nuclear families and higher income homes have shrunk, while poverty and single family homes have increased. About 80 percent of the students in the Raytown school district qualify for free or reduced lunches and have suffering test scores. We are ministering to families as agents of Jesus Christ, showing them the love of God while calling them to salvation and discipleship.
Pastor Travis Yeargans
PRAY – Please pray for our success in reaching disconnected people. We are reaching the lost and unchurched, but have significant challenges in a culture opposed to Jesus and the church. Pray for our relationships with churches, schools and businesses.
PARTICIPATE – We are in the process of purchasing a building that will need some renovations: chairs, audio visual equipment, classroom construction, painting, flooring and general upgrades. We want to build a place for the kids to play outdoors. We need a van to transport families to church and to pull event trailers.
PROVIDE – There are numerous ways to help a church plant. Visit sendnetwork.com/planterfunding for NAMB’s policy on providing for church plants.