Why church planting?

Because the majority of the people we look in the eye every day live without the hope of salvation. They are, as Jesus said, “harassed and helpless.” Jesus had compassion on the people, and he told his disciples to pray for more workers to bring the Good News of the Kingdom to the people.

IF we take the time to notice, we don’t have to look far to find pockets of people who desperately need the gospel of Jesus. These include the practicing Hindu Indian family down the street. The Arab young woman clothed in hijab. The Asian neighbor who can’t speak a word of English. The disillusioned college student who embraces Eastern spiritualism instead. The gay couple who feel isolated by the church and unwanted by God. The young couple living the American dream without any idea who Jesus really is. These are the people God has brought to our very doorstep.

Unreached. Unchurched. Dechurched. Disillusioned.

Thanks to the generous support of our churches, the Blue River-Kansas City Baptist Association sponsors the following church plants with our 2016 budget.

Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Independence (Beverly Hills) – Ind.
The Church in Waldo, Kansas City
Grace Church, Independence
Oak Tree, Lee’s Summit
LifeConnection, Northeast Kansas City
Redemption Church, Lee’s Summit
Mosaic Bible Fellowship, Kansas City
CrossRoads Bible, Riverside
The Pathway, Raymore
Jesucristo Verdad Y Vida, Belton
African Church, Kansas City
The Common Place, Vancouver
LifeConnection, Grain Valley
Manna Fellowship, Kansas City
Redeemed Ministries, Kansas City
Journey the Way, Lee’s Summit
The Point, Vancouver & Coquitlam
Multiethnic Church Planting Center – Burmese, Karen, KC


This article was originally published in the February 2016 edition of our Missions & Ministry Newsletter.