Carson Conover, Blue River/Longview

The summer is an ideal time to plan and strategize for a new year of campus ministry. I’ve been spending these past couple months prayerfully planning for the fall semester beginning in the middle of August at MCC Blue River and Longview.

Students reach students. So, I’m in the process of solidifying a core team of student ministers who’ll take ownership of ministry and mission to their fellow students. One of my goals is to invest a significant amount of time and energy training this team of students to reach their campus.

One of those students is named Dillon. He came to faith this past fall and we had the privilege of baptizing him on Easter Sunday at LifeConnection Church. Since then, I’ve been discipling him in the foundations of the faith. He’s currently at scout camp for the summer, but we’ve been meeting online every Monday afternoon to grow in God’s Word. So, it will be very exciting to see him hit the ground running this fall to get hands on ministry experience at an early stage in his faith.

Additionally, I’ve been planning to make the most of the first month of the new semester. We’ll have a table on campus every day of the week for the first two weeks, raffling off an iPad, and collecting contact information from as many students as possible. The hope is to follow up with each and every student to set up Gospel appointments and invite them to social gatherings on campus we’ll be planning for the first several weeks of the new semester. From there, our prayerful hope is to see a segment of those students get connected to student led Bible studies.

Will you pray for me, for this core team of students, and for significant impact in the first month of the new semester? Thanks in advance!