By Carson Conover; Longview/Blue River Community College


We’ve begun a new semester at MCC Blue River and Longview! The first month of a new semester is always an important time to make new student contacts, set up face to face gospel appointments, share Christ, have fun, and start Bible studies. There’s a lot of potential for impact this time of year in the lives of college students.

The picture above is from the Thursday Bible study I’m leading at 11am at MCC-Longview. I’m apprenticing Joseph this semester. Recently, I got to spend two hours talking with Ahmed over coffee. He’s the one in the back left in the pink shirt. He grew up Muslim, but currently identifies as an agnostic. I got to hear his story and share the gospel with him. He was very engaged, asked great questions, and asked if he could come visit my church (LifeConnection). I told him no. Just kidding. I said, “Absolutely!” God is doing great things already in the lives of students.


I also have the privilege of meeting weekly with a core team of students who are taking ownership for their growth and ministry to their campus at MCC – Blue River. We meet for a couple hours every Monday to pray, memorize and study Scripture, discuss books, leadership, and plan ministry. They’ve been running Challenge table events to make new contacts so we cant set up gospel appointments and start new Bible studies.


Would you pray? I’d like to invite you to join my text message prayer team. I’ll send 3-4 texts each week inviting you to pray in specific ways for the college students. It’s a great way to support the campus ministry and a good way for me to keep you in the loop. To join, simply text PrayerTeam (no spaces) to 781-728-9542. You should receive a confirmation text when you’ve successfully joined.

Thank you for your prayers and support for this ministry!