Dear Partners in Mission,

There are three ministries God has given us collectively that I’d like to encourage your prayerful additional support.

ETHIOPIA – In Ethiopia we partner with local ministry leaders for a Bible School, planting new churches, and assisting and reaching Eritrean refugees.  Baptisms, new churches, and equipping of leaders is expanding and so are opportunities!  A team from BR-KC will again trek to northern Ethiopia January 15-27, 2017.  Would you consider giving extra that the team might take it with them to help refugees, reach new people, expand church planting and train more leaders?  Our team leaders are Jim and Nicole Brown from Noland Road Baptist Church, and our lead pastor is Randy Messer of FBC Oak Grove.  Please let us know if God lays this on your heart.

Learn more about BRKC in Ethiopia

Watch Horn of Africa Video


RESTORATION HOUSE OF GREATER KANSAS CITY – BR-KC catalyzed this growing ministry to victims of human trafficking.  We want to invite you to help support and learn more about this critical ministry in our local community by joining us at the 3rd Annual Hope Now Freedom Gala.  Please pray about your church sponsoring a table at the Gala and then bring 8 representatives from your congregation to learn more, be inspired and participate in rescuing these who are perishing.  Contact Jennifer or Steven in our office to find out more about how to sponsor a table.

Learn more about RHGKC

Buy Gala Tickets

View Pictures, Videos, and Blog Posts


PEOPLE TEAMS – As you read this our People Teams ministry will have already piloted its first ever “Refugee Simulation Experience”.  People Teams are daily engaging people from all over the world who are resettling here as immigrants.  God is giving amazing opportunities to touch unreached people groups right here in Kansas City.  The holidays are an excellent time for families, individuals and small groups to learn how to connect with immigrants, meet needs, and be the hands and feet of Christ.  You can also get a prayer guide to the Nations in Kansas City. Contact Jennifer in our office for how to get involved!

Learn more about People Teams

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