News & Announcements
Collegiate Impact Update
I have good news to share, BRKC! In the first six weeks of the fall semester, our staff and student leaders were able to connect with over 300 students, have 208 spiritual conversations, share[...]
Some Thoughts about the Upcoming Election
We are fast approaching a presidential election. Yet, it is far more than that. We will vote on federal and state representatives and senators. We will decide on important issues through various amendments that have[...]
Kansas City ministry reaches trafficking survivors, offers gospel hope
By Vicki Stamps, Printed with permission by The Pathway Trafficked women need support to survive and to be restored. ReHope, a faith-based ministry formerly called Restoration House and founded out of the Blue River-Kansas City[...]
Several Persons from BR-KC Attend “Radical Collaboration” Conference Hosted by The Calvary Family of Churches
When a green youth pastor named Mark Hallock accepted the pastorate of Calvary Baptist Church in Littleton, Colorado several years back, he never envisioned that he would now be the pastor who started a gospel[...]
Karen Church Finds New Home
If you needed a victory for the Kingdom for your own encouragement or to report to your church, here it is. As you know, about 13 years ago the BR-KC Churches, in partnership with the[...]
Adopt-a-Street Initiative
By Shawn Gibbs, Heart of Life Church “The work is ours. The results are the Lord’s!” This is the battle cry of a movement that is sweeping the streets of Harrisonville, Missouri. What is[...]
Blue River-Kansas City Association Plans for Broad Impact
By Richard Nations. Printed with permission by The Pathway. When talking to Gregg Boll, there is a sense that being the leader of a diverse association of Baptist churches in the Kansas City metro is[...]
From Despair to Hope
By Martha Aligaz and Melete Ghile James 1:27 (NIV) “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from[...]
What You Missed at the Spring Semi-Annual Meeting
By Gregg Boll, Director of Missions Creating a culture of evangelism in your church was the theme of this year’s spring semi-annual meeting. Dr. Gary Kendall shared an exciting evangelism tool for mobilizing your members[...]