By Gregg Boll, Director of Missions

Creating a culture of evangelism in your church was the theme of this year’s spring semi-annual meeting.  Dr. Gary Kendall shared an exciting evangelism tool for mobilizing your members to live missionally in their neighborhoods called Bless Every Home.  An especially nice feature of this ministry is that there is an app pastors and the church can use to see the progress of their members in engaging their lost and unchurched neighbors with the gospel.  Gary shared that a private donor has agreed to pay for up to 100 churches in the metro area to use the app and ministry.  The donor only asks that the church have some “skin in the game” and invest $200 in doing this strategy.  Please contact Amy at [email protected] if you’re interested in being signed up to do this or for more information.

My brother, Victor Boll, shared how they have developed a culture of evangelism where he serves as Missions/Discipleship Pastor for South Haven Baptist Church.  The church will baptize 18 people this month and the bigger part of these are new believers.  He also related a touching experience from his time as an IMB missionary in Siberia.  If you are interested in having Vic come to do evangelism training at your church you can contact him at [email protected].

If you would like to receive a free training module for the Who’s Your One and Three Circles Evangelism Plans, you can access these here:

Who’s Your One

Three Circles Evangelism Plan

If you would like a copy of the book of reports which has updates on your other BR-KC ministries, Collegiate Ministry, Multi-Ethnic Church Planting Center, People Teams, Rehope, Disaster Relief, WMU and the Director’s Report, click here.

Additional highlights of the business portion of the meeting:

* The finance committee reported that BR-KC was receiving a nearly $200,000 gift as beneficiary of an estate,

* Two new church plants were received into membership with BR-KC  (The Fount Church and 2819 Life Church)

* The personnel committee has begun the search process for the Associate Director of Missions position.  If you know of someone interested in this position, have them send their resume to [email protected] before June 30.

Finally, there was some discussion about moving from two meetings a year to one annual meeting.  Whatever we decide, we are certain that the spring meeting will be abbreviated and not have a mission’s fair or food; only a brief business session and an inspirational service that equips and encourages those present.  Interestingly, the two attendees who gave me feedback were both in favor of continuing to have two meetings each year.  One, was a bi-vocational pastor who said it was one of the few opportunities he had to connect with the Association and other pastors.  The other pastor commented that if they were all as inspirational and helpful as this one, he would be for have two, or more meetings each year.  I’d like to hear what you think!