What You Missed at the Spring Semi-Annual Meeting

By Gregg Boll, Director of Missions Creating a culture of evangelism in your church was the theme of this year’s spring semi-annual meeting.  Dr. Gary Kendall shared an exciting evangelism tool for mobilizing your members to live missionally in their neighborhoods called Bless Every Home.  An especially nice feature of this ministry is that there [...]

By |2024-10-18T10:58:45-05:00May 9th, 2024|BRKC News, Newsletter, Online News|Comments Off on What You Missed at the Spring Semi-Annual Meeting

New Director of Missions

The Executive Director Search Committee is pleased to announce that on October 1 at our regularly scheduled BRKC associational meeting the delegates from our BRKC churches unanimously voted to call Gregg Boll as our new Executive Director. Your search committee was made up of the following individuals:  Alan Shelby, Carson Conover, Gary Jones, Luiz Mendoza, [...]

By |2023-10-11T09:44:36-05:00October 11th, 2023|BRKC News|Comments Off on New Director of Missions

Fall Semi-Annual Meeting To Feature Special Guest Speaker from Calvary Family of Churches, Englewood, Colorado

We hope you’ll mark your calendars right now for our BR-KC Semi-Annual Meeting at The Road Church (4108 S Buckner-Tarsney Rd, Grain Valley MO) on October 1, 5pm-8 pm as it promises to be an especially crucial and engaging evening.  I have invited pastor Jeremy Conrad to share the Calvary Family of Churches story.  It [...]

By |2023-09-19T15:34:21-05:00August 30th, 2023|BRKC News|Comments Off on Fall Semi-Annual Meeting To Feature Special Guest Speaker from Calvary Family of Churches, Englewood, Colorado

Chane Hutton Retires After 54 Years in Ministry

Pastor Chane Hutton, BR-KC pastor, recently retired from South Kansas City Baptist Church (now Testimony Church) after 54 years in ministry.  In his usual self-deprecating fashion, Chane often said that no one knew him, except for his wife, Jennifer, who was Administrative Assistant for BR-KC for 14 years.  We hope Chane doesn’t really believe that [...]

By |2023-05-24T10:20:12-05:00May 23rd, 2023|BRKC News|Comments Off on Chane Hutton Retires After 54 Years in Ministry

April 2023 Associate Director’s Report (continued)

By Gregg Boll Southern Baptists Take Strong Actions to Stop Sexual Abuse in Our Churches Most of you are aware that the Southern Baptist Convention has been addressing the problem of sexual abuse and assault in recent years.  After an investigative report by the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express revealed that over a 20-year [...]

By |2023-04-14T11:12:24-05:00April 14th, 2023|BRKC News|Comments Off on April 2023 Associate Director’s Report (continued)

April 2023 Associate Director’s Report

Associate Director’s Report By Gregg Boll Pastors Retiring and the SBC’s Leadership Crisis I want to congratulate and express my deepest appreciation for several of our BR-KC pastors who have retired in the last few years after long, faithful pastorates.  Forgive me if I leave anyone out, but here is the list of retiring pastors [...]

By |2023-04-14T11:37:16-05:00April 14th, 2023|BRKC News, Newsletter|Comments Off on April 2023 Associate Director’s Report

Thank you, Dr. Hammer!

As we close out another year of ministry at BR-KC my first impression is that the last year has seen more change than any year in my nearly 10 years of service. The world emerged from Covid. Jennifer left BR-KC to work for Restoration House (REHOPE). Amy Cox became our new administrative assistant. She has [...]

By |2022-10-31T12:44:18-05:00October 12th, 2022|BRKC News|Comments Off on Thank you, Dr. Hammer!

Saying Good-bye to Jennifer Hutton

On April 3rd the Blue River – Kansas City Baptist Association held our Spring Semi-Annual Meeting. The First Baptist Church of Peculiar welcomed us Sunday evening and were so accommodating to all our needs. Attendees enjoyed a time of fellowship and a potluck before the meeting began. Not only was this event a time for [...]

By |2022-05-02T11:28:16-05:00May 2nd, 2022|BRKC News|Comments Off on Saying Good-bye to Jennifer Hutton

Cuba – A Country in Despair

July 11, 2021 will be a day forever noted in the history of a small island country just 90 miles from the Southern tip of Florida. Cuba - so near, yet so closed off. Mysterious and often unthought of by most Americans. This day, the people, with nothing to lose but their life, made their [...]

By |2021-08-27T09:54:22-05:00August 27th, 2021|BRKC News, Disaster Relief, Gospel Outreach|Comments Off on Cuba – A Country in Despair

Grace Finds a Home

Grace Church, pastored by Joey Candillo, is one of our BR-KC churches in Independence.  Joey grew up in Independence and used to sell drugs there as a young adult.  He went to prison at age 22 and received Christ while in Booneville Correctional Center.  In 2014, God called Joey back to the community where he [...]

By |2021-05-19T08:46:53-05:00May 18th, 2021|BRKC News, Church Spotlight|Comments Off on Grace Finds a Home
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