
April 2023 Associate Director’s Report

Associate Director’s Report By Gregg Boll Pastors Retiring and the SBC’s Leadership Crisis I want to congratulate and express my deepest appreciation for several of our BR-KC pastors who have retired in the last few years after long, faithful pastorates.  Forgive me if I leave anyone out, but here is the list of retiring pastors [...]

By |2023-04-14T11:37:16-05:00April 14th, 2023|BRKC News, Newsletter|Comments Off on April 2023 Associate Director’s Report

Multiethnic Church Planting Center

Ministering to Newcomers Thousands of people coming from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Colombia have come to the United States in the last ten months. Some of those people have come to the Kansas City area. They have left their country for distinct reasons; some were being persecuted for the dictators of their own countries, others [...]

By |2022-12-14T15:28:40-06:00December 14th, 2022|Newsletter|Comments Off on Multiethnic Church Planting Center

Ministry Rewind: Pastor Larry Heenan

Question number one. “How and when did your ministry begin? “ During the crippling recession of 1981-82, I found myself out of employment. This long season of struggle to provide for my family became a great tool in Gods hand. It forced my wife, Paula, and I into a season of intense soul searching. We [...]

By |2022-12-14T15:09:58-06:00December 14th, 2022|Newsletter|Comments Off on Ministry Rewind: Pastor Larry Heenan

‘Reflecting Christ to a Watching World’

Written by Brian Koonce, reprinted with permission by The Pathway. During their 188th annual meeting at the St. Charles Convention Center here, Oct. 24-25, messengers of the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) elected four new MBC officers. Coming from 470 Missouri Baptist churches across the state, 1,035 messengers and 226 guests attended the two-day meeting. The [...]

By |2022-12-01T11:00:02-06:00December 1st, 2022|Newsletter|Comments Off on ‘Reflecting Christ to a Watching World’

Ministry Rewind: Pastor Tim Redding

My starting point for ministry began at Travis Baptist Church in Corpus Christi, Texas.  It was there that I found Jesus to be my Lord and Savior, being baptized in May of 1973.  As a maturing teenager, I found the church facility to be my ‘2nd home’ and the church family to be an encouraging [...]

By |2022-11-29T10:56:47-06:00November 29th, 2022|Newsletter|Comments Off on Ministry Rewind: Pastor Tim Redding

Strasburg Baptist Sees Growth Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

written by Dan Steinbeck from The Pathway November 17th, reprinted with permission STRASBURG – God is able to do what He wants in his time, even if a worldwide pandemic is occurring. Take Strasburg Baptist Church here, for example. Pastor Stephan Albin has seen an increase in attendance since May, when the church reopened after COVID-19 [...]

By |2020-12-15T17:33:49-06:00December 15th, 2020|BRKC News, Church Spotlight, News from the Churches, Newsletter|Comments Off on Strasburg Baptist Sees Growth Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

Community College Ministry is Uniquely Challenging

by Carson Conover, Campus Ministries at Longview and Blue River Community College Global Project 2020 Community college ministry is uniquely challenging in a number of ways. But, this kind of ministry also has its benefits. For example, students don’t leave for the summer which presents an opportunity to train and equip student leaders for the [...]

By |2020-11-17T10:09:15-06:00November 17th, 2020|College Ministry, Gospel Outreach, Newsletter|Comments Off on Community College Ministry is Uniquely Challenging

“Finding Freedom” Novel by Britney Hamm

KANSAS CITY – Pathway freelancer Britney Lyn Hamm captures hope through trauma in a novel inspired by her work with a Missouri Baptist ministry to victims of human trafficking. “It’s a story of God’s redemption and freedom and not for the faint of heart,” said Hamm, author of the Christian romance/suspense novel Finding Freedom. “It deals with raw human [...]

By |2020-10-13T13:44:26-05:00September 29th, 2020|Assisting Community Transformation, BRKC News, Newsletter, Restoration House|Comments Off on “Finding Freedom” Novel by Britney Hamm

Manna Fellowship Celebrates Grand Opening

August 30, 2020 was the culmination of much faith, planning and hard work for the Manna Fellowship family of believers. Joined by several community officials, construction workers, and others who helped make the church a reality, the members of Manna Fellowship celebrated the grand opening of their new facility at the intersection of 58 [...]

By |2020-09-14T11:42:36-05:00September 14th, 2020|Church Spotlight, Newsletter|Comments Off on Manna Fellowship Celebrates Grand Opening

Pandemic Pandemonium

2020 has definitely been one for the record books.  Covid-19, racial unrest, and political tensions, to name a few, have only served to reinforce that this earth is not our home.  As we try to navigate what the new “normal” might look like, we find ourselves with unprecedented opportunities for ministry.  Since the start of [...]

By |2020-08-07T14:17:57-05:00August 7th, 2020|Assisting Community Transformation, BRKC News, Newsletter|Comments Off on Pandemic Pandemonium
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