My name is Kaitlynn King, and I serve as a ministry apprentice for Collegiate Impact at the UMKC campus. Every Thursday at 6pm we invite UMKC students, Christian and non-Christian students, to a house near campus to enjoy fellowship and a free dinner. This serves the campus with both spiritual and physical needs while creating a low-risk opportunity to get involved with Collegiate Impact.
While students are eating, our student leaders seek to start conversations that lead to Gospel conversations. We have had many students of other beliefs come and have wonderful conversations. One student I have connected with is not a Christian, but, because we do these weekly dinners, she continues to come back to Collegiate Impact events. Through these dinners, we have had extensive conversations about the Gospel and Christianity as a whole and it has piqued her curiosity. As a result, we are currently reading through the Gospel of John together.
The only way we can offer these dinners is in partnership with local churches. Small groups, churches as a whole, or even individuals within the local churches have provided enough food for 30 students to enjoy at these Thursday night dinners. In addition to bringing the food, church members have the option of joining us at the dinner and connecting with some of the students.
To learn more about the dinners and to sign up to help, check out our meal train link:
If you have any questions, please contact me at