Originally printed in the Missions & Ministry July 2017 newsletter

The vision of People Teams is to see reproducing disciples and churches among all of the ethnic people groups in Kansas City. This vision will require committed believers building relationships among specific people groups and making disciples. These believers will provide time, prayer, onramps, and coaching. The time required to invest in cross-cultural relationships is a commitment of about two hours a week. They will also need a team of people praying for their ministry updates among a certain people group.

We are calling for people across the Association to join the Somali, Iraqi, Congolese, Algerian, Syrian, and Burmese prayer teams at this point. You will receive occasional emails with urgent prayer requests like Muslims who are close to following Jesus or for protection for an African during a trial caused by the enemy. Email kcpeopleteams@gmail. com if you would like to start personally reaching out to internationals or be added to one of these vital prayer teams.

People Teams provides specific ways to start friendships with internationals that we call “On-ramps.” The fall includes opportunities like a ladies sewing group on Tuesday afternoons, sports with teenagers, giving driving lessons, English classes on Monday mornings or Wednesday evenings, home Bible studies, and whatever we can come up with that is conducive to starting a friendship. Many of these meet needs but the primary purpose is to build relationships that will be the vehicle for meeting needs, teaching God’s truth, walking with them as newcomers to America, and helping them to follow Jesus.

As you minister, you can receive coaching from a network of believers from various countries or former overseas missionaries. They are a rich a resource for those who seek to minister cross-culturally.

You can also help us with our four-hour refugee simulation by participating as a group who role play as refugees. Volunteers and participants gain valuable insight and experience to pull from as they go about refugee ministry.

For more information, write [email protected]