BRKC Baptist Horn of Africa Refugee Library

The new library for refugees in the Shimelba Camp

BRKC Baptist Shire Bible School

Dr.’s Indrias and Hadaway teaching at the Shire Bible School

Since last year we have seen the Lord do amazing things in and through our churches, individually and collectively. Three of those collective accomplishments are opening Restoration House of Greater Kansas City, building the library for Eritrean refugee children in northern Ethiopia, and starting the first ever Bible School for Eritrean and Ethiopian pastors in Tigray, Ethiopia!

Some other firsts are hiring Steven Robinson as our first Director of Development for BR-KC, and our multiethnic church planting center and People Teams ministries collaborating to establish the International Welcome Center in northeast Kansas City.

BRKC Baptist International Welcome Center

Grand Opening of the IWC at Palabra Viva in northeast Kansas City

There are many baptisms, earnest disciple making and much more to celebrate in the life of our churches, as well as the challenges God has seen His churches through.

Let’s celebrate the greatness and goodness of our God!




Article by Dr. Rodney Hammer. This article was originally published in the December 2015 edition of our Missions & Ministry Newsletter.