Gospel Outreach

Gospel Outreach2017-03-08T11:35:58-06:00

Gospel Outreach

Expanding the Kingdom in Kansas City and beyond


to encourage every church in the Association to be actively and intentionally sharing the Gospel locally, nationally and internationally by the year 2020. The team will pursue this goal by:


  • Providing evangelism training for any church that requests it
  • Assisting Campus Missionaries with outreach to their college students
  • Developing a Covenant of Prayer for each church to pray for the spread of the gospel
  • Partnering churches with a history of mission outreach to churches without mission outreach history
  • Encouraging churches in the same region to work together to reach the lost in their region through cooperative evangelism projects

News & Updates

Help Us Bless UMKC Students!

My name is Kaitlynn King, and I serve as a ministry apprentice for Collegiate Impact at the UMKC campus. Every Thursday at 6pm we invite UMKC students, Christian and non-Christian students, to a house near [...]

February 12th, 2025|Categories: BRKC News, College Ministry, Gospel Outreach, Newsletter, Online News|Comments Off on Help Us Bless UMKC Students!

Community College Ministry is Uniquely Challenging

by Carson Conover, Campus Ministries at Longview and Blue River Community College Global Project 2020 Community college ministry is uniquely challenging in a number of ways. But, this kind of ministry also has its benefits. [...]

November 17th, 2020|Categories: College Ministry, Gospel Outreach, Newsletter|Tags: , |Comments Off on Community College Ministry is Uniquely Challenging

Collegiate Impact Learning to Adapt

by Travis Hamm For those who may be unaware, Collegiate Impact is a network of local churches and on-campus ministries working together to bring the gospel to over 70,000 Kansas City area college students from [...]

November 16th, 2020|Categories: BRKC News, College Ministry, Gospel Outreach|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Collegiate Impact Learning to Adapt

Grace & Truth Baptist Impacting the Community “from the inside out”

The heartbeat of Grace and Truth Baptist Church runs along the rails of our discipleship ministry. We have an objective of making every member of our local church a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ.  [...]

August 12th, 2020|Categories: Assisting Community Transformation, BRKC News, Church Spotlight, Gospel Outreach, News from the Churches|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Grace & Truth Baptist Impacting the Community “from the inside out”
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