Gospel Outreach
to encourage every church in the Association to be actively and intentionally sharing the Gospel locally, nationally and internationally by the year 2020. The team will pursue this goal by:
News & Updates
How Arabs are Encountering Jesus in Kansas City
By Dr. Asefaw Indrias In Revelation 5:9 the word of God says “and they sang a new song, saying: You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, [...]
Finding a Smile Again: Night to Shine Blesses 300 Special Needs Persons in KC
By Britney Hamm She was 69 years old, but most days she felt like she was 99. Some days it seemed death already had her in its grips, as evidenced by the confines of her [...]
Horn of Africa Team Returns
by Nicole Brown After returning from another trip to Ethiopia, my heart and mind are not at rest. I am so unsettled once again at what I have witnessed looking into eyes that seem so [...]
BRKC Churches Focus in Haiti
In 2000, Red Bridge Baptist Church members Bill and Jennifer Campbell heard a need, and their hearts turned toward it. Missionary Webb Chenault, whom Red Bridge supported, spoke of the orphans in Pignon, Haiti, and [...]
Tie a Bow on It
By Karla Rinker *This article was originally printed in the MBC's Pathway publication and was reprinted in our December 2016 edition of our Missions & Ministry Newsletter LEE’S SUMMIT – Jesus probably would have [...]