BRKC Vancouver Partnership
BRKC began a partnership with Vancouver in 2010. Since then we’ve been actively recruiting teams to travel to Vancouver and help the church planters who are working to establish Baptist churches in the area.
This ministry is part of our Vision 2020 Gospel Outreach (GO) Ministry Team. The North American Mission Board has also chosen Vancouver as one of its focus cities under the “Send North America” emphasis. NAMB and BRKC are partnering to help bring the gospel to this beautiful city.
Here’s a snapshot of how BRKC has assisted Vancouver church planters in their Kingdom work:
- Rodney Hammer, Coalition Representative for Send North America, Chane Hutton, Advocacy Representative for Vancouver suburb Coquitlam, and KC Church Planter Ray Stewart spent a week attending their respective meetings as well as attending the EthneCity Conference.
- Chane and Ray also spent time meeting with church planters like Conrad Au and Victor Thomas to help determine what is needed to plant churches and reach the people of Vancouver.
- AZ-U-R Church with the assistance of First Oak Grove, sent 500 books and CD’s to Victor Thomas to be used in his ministry at The Point Church. South Kansas City and Heart of Life sent teams to help church planters there as well.
- In February of 2014, AZ-U-R, LifeQuest WMU and Association staff put on a retreat for Vancouver church planters and their families.
Vancouver Overview
Vancouver, a coastal seaport city on the mainland island of British Columbia, Canada, may be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is the hub of Greater Vancouver, which, with over 2.3 million residents, is the 3rd most populous metropolitan region in Canada. The city proper has more than 640,000 people, making it the eighth largest among Canadian cities, and the most densely populated Canadian city of over 25,000 residents, with 5,039 people per square kilometer in 2006.
Vancouver is not only beautiful but worldly and incredibly diverse. Its diverse physical topography, with mountains on one side and an ocean on the other, gives way to diverse ethnic and spiritual topography that make Vancouver a challenging place to reach with the Gospel. Buddhists outnumber Baptists; newcomers outnumber old-timers; and “no religion” is the leading religion. The city is ethnically and linguistically diverse, with 52% for whom English is not their first language. Less than 3% of its residents consider themselves Evangelical Christians, and more than 40% claim no religion at all.
In this sophisticated, beautiful but worldly city, many people have never heard the name “Jesus” at all.
News & Updates
A Closer Look at The Common Place Church, our Partner in Vancouver
Conrad Au is the Community Development Pastor who was raised in Coquitlam since he was 8 years old. He dreamed of a career in broadcasting, but God had other ideas. He now strives to bring[...]
Vancouver Internship Opportunity
Victor Thomas, The Point Church Internship at The Point Church Every year we have amazing interns join us for the summer season. It's an incredible opportunity to experience life in a new city and discover the heart God[...]
To The Ends of The Earth: Vancouver Update
By Jennifer Hutton, BR-KC Administrative Assistant ( How Our Partnership Began In September of 2010, Dr. Hammer and four of our area pastors traveled to Vancouver, British Columbia to further explore the possibility of a[...]
Vancouver Church Partners with 4 Churches to Serve Over 300 People
By Victor Thomas, Pastor of The Point Serve Week was a success! From July 9th to 13th we were blessed to partner with four churches, North Richland Hills, Emmanuel Baptist, South Haven Baptist in Belton, MO,[...]
Partnership Spotlight: The Point Church in Vancouver
By Victor Thomas The annual Vancouver Project held March 13-17, 2017, had over 100 students join us for a week helping us serve and do evangelism in Vancouver. We did outreach projects around several of[...]