Resourcing Churches

Resourcing Churches2017-03-08T11:35:58-06:00
Resourcing Churches Ministry Teams Paseo Baptist

Resourcing Churches

Building up the Body for its flourishing and growth


to provide and connect churches to resources that can meet needs and aid them in their Kingdom work.


  • Provide Vision 2020 grants for churches
  • Establishing partnerships between churches who can help meet each other’s needs through sharing materials and personnel
  • Train church search committees

News & Updates

BR-KC to offer Equip Lab/Residency to all our churches through a partnership with LifeConnection

By Jason Allen, Pastor of LifeConnection What if your church had too many leaders? I know it’s not a reality many of us face. The busy pastor is trying to meet needs, care for people[...]

December 18th, 2024|Categories: BRKC News, Church Planting, Equipping Leaders, Newsletter, Online News, Resourcing Churches|Comments Off on BR-KC to offer Equip Lab/Residency to all our churches through a partnership with LifeConnection

Changes Coming to BR-KC This Fall

Associate Director, Gregg Boll, recently explained some changes that BR-KC will make to further encourage and equip our pastors. Through conversations with our churches and pastors and because of recent opportunities which have presented themselves,[...]

August 1st, 2019|Categories: BRKC News, Church Ministry Updates, Newsletter, Resourcing Churches|Comments Off on Changes Coming to BR-KC This Fall

Property Tax Seminar Helps BR-KC Churches

On February 26th, 50 pastors and lay leaders came together at Connection Point Church in Raytown because they had one thing in common. They were all concerned about property taxes! Over the past few years,[...]

April 18th, 2019|Categories: Resourcing Churches, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Property Tax Seminar Helps BR-KC Churches

Free Domestic Abuse Seminar and Training

To My Fellow Pastors, I’m writing to invite you and your ministerial staff to join me for a free seminar luncheon on Tuesday, January 15, here at Emmanuel Baptist Church. The title of the seminar[...]

December 30th, 2018|Categories: Resourcing Churches, Upcoming Events|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Free Domestic Abuse Seminar and Training

BRKC Offers Support and Partnership With Open Hands

By Gregg Boll, Associate Director of Missions ([email protected]) Fulfilling Kingdom Ministry It has been an honor to serve alongside Dr. Hammer and the other BR-KC staff for five of the ten years we are celebrating[...]

December 10th, 2018|Categories: Assisting Community Transformation, Resourcing Churches|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on BRKC Offers Support and Partnership With Open Hands
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