Gospel Outreach

Help Us Bless UMKC Students!

My name is Kaitlynn King, and I serve as a ministry apprentice for Collegiate Impact at the UMKC campus. Every Thursday at 6pm we invite UMKC students, Christian and non-Christian students, to a house near campus to enjoy fellowship and a free dinner. This serves the campus with both spiritual and physical needs while creating [...]

By |2025-02-12T09:42:24-06:00February 12th, 2025|BRKC News, College Ministry, Gospel Outreach, Newsletter, Online News|Comments Off on Help Us Bless UMKC Students!

Cuba – A Country in Despair

July 11, 2021 will be a day forever noted in the history of a small island country just 90 miles from the Southern tip of Florida. Cuba - so near, yet so closed off. Mysterious and often unthought of by most Americans. This day, the people, with nothing to lose but their life, made their [...]

By |2021-08-27T09:54:22-05:00August 27th, 2021|BRKC News, Disaster Relief, Gospel Outreach|Comments Off on Cuba – A Country in Despair

Community College Ministry is Uniquely Challenging

by Carson Conover, Campus Ministries at Longview and Blue River Community College Global Project 2020 Community college ministry is uniquely challenging in a number of ways. But, this kind of ministry also has its benefits. For example, students don’t leave for the summer which presents an opportunity to train and equip student leaders for the [...]

By |2020-11-17T10:09:15-06:00November 17th, 2020|College Ministry, Gospel Outreach, Newsletter|Comments Off on Community College Ministry is Uniquely Challenging

Collegiate Impact Learning to Adapt

by Travis Hamm For those who may be unaware, Collegiate Impact is a network of local churches and on-campus ministries working together to bring the gospel to over 70,000 Kansas City area college students from 17 colleges. Just like other ministries and churches, we have had to navigate the challenges of Covid-19.  Last March all [...]

By |2020-11-16T15:03:42-06:00November 16th, 2020|BRKC News, College Ministry, Gospel Outreach|Comments Off on Collegiate Impact Learning to Adapt

Grace & Truth Baptist Impacting the Community “from the inside out”

The heartbeat of Grace and Truth Baptist Church runs along the rails of our discipleship ministry. We have an objective of making every member of our local church a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ.  For that reason, the ministries of our church are centered in allowing our membership to actively be involved in ministry [...]

By |2020-08-12T10:06:43-05:00August 12th, 2020|Assisting Community Transformation, BRKC News, Church Spotlight, Gospel Outreach, News from the Churches|Comments Off on Grace & Truth Baptist Impacting the Community “from the inside out”

Russian-Speaking Fellowship Starts at Norfleet Baptist

About a year ago Norfleet Baptist Church received a call from a young mother from a nearby neighborhood... She was looking for a place that could host her youngest daughter’s first birthday party. It was going to be a grand party since the little girl was a testament to the power of prayer. There was [...]

By |2019-08-26T12:16:12-05:00August 26th, 2019|BRKC News, Church Spotlight, Gospel Outreach|Comments Off on Russian-Speaking Fellowship Starts at Norfleet Baptist

Faith In Action

By Joey Candillo, Pastor of Grace Church in Independence  Labor Day weekend is traditionally a low-attendance Sunday. This year we started a new annual Labor Day tradition. Instead of our weekly worship service, we spent Sunday morning serving the community. We met at the church at 9am and had breakfast. At 9:30am we prayed and divided up into teams [...]

By |2018-10-01T19:38:45-05:00October 1st, 2018|Gospel Outreach|Comments Off on Faith In Action

Buy Bookmarks to Help Children Buy Goats

The children of Spring Valley Baptist and their teachers have designed bookmarks that have been laminated to sell for a dollar each to make money to buy goats through World Vision to end hunger and human trafficking. We will offer a World Vision magazine to each person who buys a bookmark. TIME April 28, 10:00am [...]

By |2018-04-17T12:08:09-05:00April 17th, 2018|Gospel Outreach|Comments Off on Buy Bookmarks to Help Children Buy Goats

International Mission Opportunity

Pastors and staff; Here is an International Mission trip opportunity for you and your church. Kansas City Kansas Baptist Association (KCKBA) works with International Commission and with pastor Scott Mayse who coordinates these mission trip opportunities. This one is July 11-20 to Brazil. These are great evangelistic trips. Scott does all the training/planning and coordinating [...]

By |2018-03-06T11:43:19-06:00March 10th, 2018|Gospel Outreach|Comments Off on International Mission Opportunity

Deaf Youth Camp

The Deaf are a "hidden" or "unseen" or "unnoticed"  minority. Yet they exist around you and are never     noticed unless they sign or use their voice. If they were gathered in one place they would comprise the 4th  largest nation in the world. Do you know there are 750 Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing that die daily [...]

By |2018-02-15T19:08:43-06:00February 15th, 2018|Gospel Outreach|Comments Off on Deaf Youth Camp
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