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Now what?
In the meantime, take a minute to connect with us and read the latest news from the Blue River-Kansas City Baptist Association.
BR-KC Race Relations Proposal
We know these last few months have been particularly challenging in unprecedented ways. We want to be a source of [...]
BR-KC’s Stand on Racism
BR-KC is an ethnically diverse network of 130 Southern Baptist Churches in Jackson and Cass County, Missouri Let us simply [...]
Collegiate Ministry Update
Collegiate Impact by Travis Hamm At Avila University I have been leading a Gospel Foundation Bible Study, the first of [...]
Compassionate Leadership by Pastor Darron Edwards
Compassion and leadership – these two words don’t often go together in our post-modern culture. There is a belief that [...]
Mt. Washington Baptist Celebrates 108 Years!
On Sunday, March 3, 1912, thirty people came together to charter Mount Washington Baptist Church, electing D. W. Riggs to [...]
Restoration House Hosts Annual Freedom Gala
For the first time in several years, the weather and the Kansas City Chiefs schedule both cooperated with the Restoration [...]
BR-KC Hosts Annual Appreciation Banquet
Almost 150 people gathered on February 7th to enjoy the annual Blue River-Kansas City Baptist Association Appreciation Banquet. Pastors, staff [...]
Horn of Africa Ministry Expands with New Ministries
Two trips were made to the Horn of Africa in 2019. Unfortunately, a third trip was cancelled due to heavy [...]
Introducing Grace Fellowship of Blue Springs
Grace Fellowship started in the home of Roger and Mary Jo Freeman in December, 2007 with a handful of people. [...]
Fellowship Church Experiences What Can Be Done Together
It was June of 2014, Fellowship Church in Greenwood had been in existence barely 2 years. There was a dream [...]