Gospel Outreach
to encourage every church in the Association to be actively and intentionally sharing the Gospel locally, nationally and internationally by the year 2020. The team will pursue this goal by:
News & Updates
Refugee Simulation Experience
How are you supposed to feel about that? As a follower of Jesus, what does God want you to do? There are no simple solutions to the brokenness in our world caused by sin, but [...]
Bless Our Neighbors with a Thanksgiving Day Basket!
This fall, instead of our Fall Festival, in partnership between these two ministries (Eleos and Refuge KC), we would like to bless our neighborhood families with Thanksgiving Gift Baskets. The basket would contain a turkey [...]
BRKC Churches Focus in Africa: Ethiopia
Several BR-KC churches and members have on-going mission work around the globe. This is truly our Mission Statement in action...”We envision a network of healthy Baptist churches partnering together to transform lives and communities through [...]
BRKC Churches Focus in Africa: Togo
Several BR-KC churches and members have on-going mission work around the globe. This is truly our Mission Statement in action...”We envision a network of healthy Baptist churches partnering together to transform lives and communities through [...]
BRKC Churches Focus in Africa: Kenya
Several BR-KC churches and members have on-going mission work around the globe. This is truly our Mission Statement in action...”We envision a network of healthy Baptist churches partnering together to transform lives and communities through [...]