Resourcing Churches

Resourcing Churches2017-03-08T11:35:58-06:00
Resourcing Churches Ministry Teams Paseo Baptist

Resourcing Churches

Building up the Body for its flourishing and growth


to provide and connect churches to resources that can meet needs and aid them in their Kingdom work.


  • Provide Vision 2020 grants for churches
  • Establishing partnerships between churches who can help meet each other’s needs through sharing materials and personnel
  • Train church search committees

News & Updates

Calling All Bi-Vo Pastors!

To all bi-vocational pastors: Could you take a few moments and use the link below to take a survey designed for bi-vocational pastors.  Wayne Geiger, pastor of First Baptist Church of Grain Valley is doing [...]

November 15th, 2016|Categories: Resourcing Churches|Comments Off on Calling All Bi-Vo Pastors!

Legacy Cohorts

Legacy cohort meetings are intended for pastors and leaders of plateaued or declining churches with under 100 in regular attendance.  This fall participants will read and discuss Biblical Church Revitalization by Brian Croft.  Lunch is included. Fall [...]

August 19th, 2016|Categories: Resourcing Churches, Upcoming Events|Tags: |Comments Off on Legacy Cohorts

Vision 2020 Grant Money… Helping Churches and Communities

Each quarter, the BR-KC Baptist Association gives away over $29,000 to assist churches in their efforts to impact their community and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This money is provided by the [...]

June 26th, 2016|Categories: Church Planting, Gospel Outreach, Newsletter, Resourcing Churches|1 Comment
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