Gospel Outreach

Maywood Baptist Reaches Down and Out

INDEPENDENCE – The congregation of Maywood Baptist Church here understands forgiveness and members have made it the center of their ministry. “Maywood’s leaders chose to relate to our changing community on its own terms,” Bob Spradling, pastor, said. “We asked our community how we could partner with them in what was their own ‘felt’ needs.” New programs were initiated to reach the changing needs. According to Spradling, the residential neighborhoods saw [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:12-06:00August 16th, 2016|Gospel Outreach|Comments Off on Maywood Baptist Reaches Down and Out

People Teams Reach Out to Youth

  Since January, People Teams has been discipling teens from many nations through weekly small group gatherings with Bible studies led by 8 adult mentors (mostly college students). Some of the gatherings involve basketball or soccer at Milestone gym; others just hanging out. Many of these teens attend a church in their own language, but some have no church. The kids appreciate this opportunity to [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:12-06:00July 15th, 2016|Gospel Outreach, People Teams|Comments Off on People Teams Reach Out to Youth

Vision 2020 Grant Money… Helping Churches and Communities

Each quarter, the BR-KC Baptist Association gives away over $29,000 to assist churches in their efforts to impact their community and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This money is provided by the Vision 2020 Grant Fund, made possible by the sale of the Association’s Mission Center in 2014.  During the fourth quarter [...]

Church Planter Spotlight

Manna Fellowship came to Belton, Missouri via a slight detour from Africa. In 2013, Pastor Rick Friesen left the staff of a vibrant suburban church to answer God’s call to missions. Although he lives in the Kansas City area, Rick has traveled the nation and the globe to raise funds and awareness to combat Africa’s [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:12-06:00June 20th, 2016|Church Planting, Gospel Outreach, Newsletter|2 Comments

Campus Ministry Update

LifeConnection baptized five people on Easter Sunday. Among those baptized was a college student at Blue River Community College named Dillon England. I first met Dillon last fall when I invited him and several of his friends to participate in an Explore God discussion group. He then agreed to read the Gospel of Mark with me [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:12-06:00June 16th, 2016|College Ministry, Gospel Outreach, Newsletter|Comments Off on Campus Ministry Update

KC Churches Develop Leaders, Reach Out to Refugees in Africa

OAK GROVE – Pastor Randy Messer of First Baptist Church walked into a classroom in the Horn of Africa and heard voices, crying out and pleading to someone, but he saw no one. But as Messer stepped further into the room, he found the source of these cries. A group of young pastors had come [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:13-06:00May 6th, 2016|Gospel Outreach, Horn of Africa, Newsletter|Comments Off on KC Churches Develop Leaders, Reach Out to Refugees in Africa

National Evangelism Conference

Dear Pastor, On Behalf of NAMB and 2016 President of the SBC Pastor’s Conference, John Meador, we would like to invite you to join us at one of our National Evangelism Conferences that will provide training for Crossover 2016. Pastor Meador is challenging Pastors to ask themselves what their plan is to equip church members with confidence [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:14-06:00January 28th, 2016|Gospel Outreach, Resourcing Churches|Comments Off on National Evangelism Conference

The Nations in Kansas City: Barawa & Bajun Peoples

The Bajuni Islands and the Barawa region are located in South-East Somalia.  Their people speak their own dialect of the Somali language.  Their culture has Arab influence and was colonized by the Italians.  They tend to be more welcoming to outsiders and more laid back.  One might call them the "Hawaiians of Somalia."  Nevertheless, they [...]

By |2015-12-02T16:34:16-06:00December 29th, 2015|Gospel Outreach, Newsletter, People Teams|Comments Off on The Nations in Kansas City: Barawa & Bajun Peoples

Blue River Community College Campus Ministry Update December 2015

I’ve been very encouraged this semester by how the Lord is at work in the lives of college students. Since the semester began, I’ve been able to connect with dozens of students. The most encouraging connection has been with 7 students from Blue River Community College. I met most of these students at the beginning [...]

By |2015-12-02T16:36:43-06:00December 16th, 2015|College Ministry, Gospel Outreach, Newsletter|Comments Off on Blue River Community College Campus Ministry Update December 2015

From Cowboys and Indians to Motorcycles

This article was originally published in our Missions & Ministry October Newsletter. Ray Gurney, pastor of Cross Creek Baptist Mission, and Steve Reed, founder of Daybreak International and member of LifeQuest Church, shared a knowing chuckle as they prepared for their upcoming mission trip to Guatemala. From cowboys to Indians to motorcycles, they both thought. [...]

By |2017-03-08T11:36:16-06:00October 6th, 2015|Gospel Outreach, Newsletter|Comments Off on From Cowboys and Indians to Motorcycles
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